Logos problematicos, or a problem with the problem


Andrzej Bronk
Stanisław Majdański
Monika Walczak
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


problem, question, category, knowledge, science, scientific method, scientific language, philosophy of science, methodology, semiotics of scientific language


This monograph is the culmination of an intellectual friendship and many years of scientific cooperation between Andrzej Bronk and Stanisław Majdański, professors of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Lublin, supported significantly in its final stage by Monika Walczak. Its subject is a basic category of any type of cognition, namely the category of the problem. In everyday life we rarely ask about the meaning of the words we use and seldom do we feel a need to make them precise. The word “problem” is one of the most widely used expressions in ordinary and scientific language. Understanding the role problems play makes us aware of the enormous diversity of research and decision-making situations in different domains of theoretical and practical knowledge (for example, in the judiciary). Unfortunately, we have here an “object” that does not lend itself to easy analysis, not least because it is ambiguous, unclear and vague, be it in ordinary, scientific or philosophical usage. On the one hand, the word “problem” seems utterly familiar; on the other hand, however, like every frequently and variously used (and abused) expression, it has succumbed to semantic inflation and its scope and content have become somewhat blurred. True, logicians and philosophers have devoted many works to the category of “question” but the category of problem appears in such works only incidentally. Disappointingly, philosophical dictionaries and encyclopedias rarely contain an extended “problem” entry or even a mention of it in the index. The subject of the monograph is mainly in scientific and philosophical uses of this category but the considerations are broad enough to encompass all the sciences. The aim, however, is not normative, but descriptive – to give an account of the many ways in which the category of problem functions. Nonetheless, it is also important to note theoretical and practical benefit in analyzing this category, since it helps to make it more precise. The analysis appeals to the concept of erotetics, developed by the members of the Lviv-Warsaw School, as well as the methodological distinctions introduced by K. Ajdukiewicz. The book also refers to the achievements of the Lublin School of Philosophy, and in particular to the works of Stanisław Kamiński (1910–1986).

Author Biographies

Andrzej Bronk

prof. em. of the JPII Catholic University of Lublin (KUL). Head of the Department of Methodology of Science at the Catholic University of Lublin from 1986 to 2011. Master degree in philosophy 1968. PhD in philosophy 1971: “The language of ethnology on the exemplified theory of religion by W. Schmidt. A methodological analysis” (in Polish) under the supervision of S. Kamiński (Lublin: TN KUL 1974). Scholarship of the Humboldt-Stiftung (1976/7/8, Hegel-Archiv Bochum). Habilitation 1982: “Understanding – History – Language. The Philosophical Hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer” (Lublin: TN KUL 1981, 1989; in Polish). 1991 Lonergan Research Scholarship (Boston College USA). 1997 a full professor of KUL. Author of the monograph Foundations of the Science of Religion (Lublin: TN KUL 1996, 2003, 2009; in Polish), editor of collective works and several hundred articles, entries, reviews and opinions. Member of the Central Qualification Commission for Academic Staff (1999-2012). Membership: Anthropos-Institute (St. Augustin, Germany), Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków, Carl von Weizsäcker Gesellschaft (Niemcy). Professional interests: methodology, philosophy of science, practical logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of human sciences, philosophical hermeneutics, analytical philosophy, methodology and epistemology of religious studies, methodology of pedagogy.

Stanisław Majdański

Prof. em. of the JPII Catholic University of Lublin (KUL). Exiled in 1940 with his mother's family deep into Soviet Russia, he returned to Poland in 1946. Studies 1952–1957 at the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of the Catholic University of Lublin. In 1957 Master's degree in logical semiotics, in 1969 doctoral degree under S. Kamiński “Problems of Sentence Assertion. Pragmatic Sketches” (in Polish). In 1957 he joined the Department of Methodology of Science, where until his retirement in 2010 he taught general logic at various faculties of KUL and gave monographic lectures at the Faculty of Philosophy of KUL on many branches of logic, especially semiotics, in a creative and non-standard way. As a witness to the birth and development of the so-called 'Lublin School of Classical Philosophy', of which he is an adept, he combines its approach with current philosophical trends, which is reflected in his interest in philosophical-logical issues. In teaching and research, he was mainly associated with S. Kaminski and L. Borkowski and also A. Bronk. Metalogical and metaphilosophical issues on the borders of logic and philosophy have a special place in S. Majdański's wide-ranging interests – from family studies, ecology, Russian studies, science studies to metaphysics and the theory of knowledge. They are characterised by a semiotic approach, such as the problem of philosophical-logical principia and metaphysical transcendentalia (with reference to M.A. Krąpiec and T. Czeżowski), including the issue of convertibilia and reduplicatives, and selected metaethical issues (with reference to K. Wojtyła and S. Styczeń). Author of the monograph “Problems of Sentence Assertion” (Lublin: TN KUL 1972) and about 50 articles, research reviews, opinions for academic degrees, editorial reviews and advisory views, and the initiator and inventor of many research, teaching and organisational projects carried out at the KUL.

Monika Walczak, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Hab. PhD, Professor at the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (2015–2020), its Vice-Dean (2013–2015), employed at the Department of Methodology of Sciences, Chair of the Programme Committee of the 11th Polish Philosophical Congress. Her interests include methodology of sciences and philosophy of science, contemporary epistemology (especially Anglo-Saxon), methodology of humanities, Lonergan Studies, critical thinking, informal logic, and philosophy of interdisciplinarity. The author of books: “Insight and Cognition. Epistemology of Bernard J. F. Lonergan” (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2012; in Polish) and “The Rationality of Science: Problems, Conceptions, and Arguments” (Lublin: TN KUL 2006; in Polish), and the editor of “Methodology: tradition and perspectives” (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2010; in Polish) and co-editor (with A. Bronk) volume 5 of S. Kaminski's Selected Writings “Worldview – Religion – Theology. Philosophical and Methodological Issues” (Lublin: TN KUL 1998; in Polish) and together with S. Janeczek and A. Starościc the work “Methodology of Sciences”, part 1. “What is Science?”, part 2. “Metodological Distinctiveness of Sciences”, series “Didactics of Philosophy”, vol. 9 (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2019; in Polish). The author over fifty articles in Polish and in English. Awarded a Batory Foundation Fellowship for young academics. Three-time fellow of Boston College: 2001/2002 - Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and fellowships in 2010 and 2013. Chair of the Program Committee of the 11th Polish Philosophical Congress (2019). Project manager of the Regional Excellence Initiative awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education to the disciplines of philosophy and theological sciences at KUL for 2019–2022.


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