Moral Intuitions. On the Cognition of Good and Evil
moral intuitions, ethical intuitionism, moral perception, reflective equilibrium, intellectual virtues, virtue, emotions, epistemology, ethics, cognition, intuitionSynopsis
The work focuses on the issue of moral intuitions and their ability to justify our moral beliefs. It consists of seven chapters. Chapter one presents a historical outline of intuitionistic theories in ethics, with the main emphasis put on the British intuitionists from the 16th to the first half of the 20th century. The chapter ends by presenting the main objections put forward against moral intuitionism, which eventually led to the weakening of this approach in the second part of the 20th century. The objections are as follows: queerness argument of moral facts and the faculty of moral intuition, the subjectivity argument, dogmatism objection, arbitrariness objection, and moral disagreement objection.
Chapters two to six contain critical analysis of modern defenses of moral intuitionism (so-called new intuitionism) formulated by such authors as Robert Audi, Michael Huemer, Timothy Chappell, Sabine Roeser, James Sias. The formulations they offer, to a large extent, avoid the objections listed above; however, new objections dedicated to them are formulated. Chapter six offers a trial to integrate the presented versions of new intuitionism in such a way as to minimize their flaws and combine their strengths. Thus the work defends the claim that moral intuitions can justify our moral beliefs and play a role of a reliable starting point for moral cognition.
Along the lines of new intuitionism, the author admits the fallibility of moral intuitions. This leads to the necessity of offering a way to enhance our moral cognition. It encompasses the method of reflective equilibrium and perfecting epistemic virtues. This task is realized in the final, seventh chapter.
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