Refugees from Ukraine in different countries: problems of adaptation and integration (Poland, Germany, Italy, Great Britain)
The war in Ukraine, initiated by the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, has become one of the most significant challenges of the 21st century for all of humanity, leading to both internal and external migration of Ukrainians. European countries have faced the problem of accommodating over 6 million refugees from Ukraine, which has brought about issues related to the organization of social support and the necessity to develop a new approach to social policy – both in Ukraine and in the countries hosting the refugees, primarily women with children.
The publication Refugees from Ukraine in Different Countries – Problems of Adaptation and Integration (Poland, Germany, Italy, Great Britain) presents key analyses and conclusions from a survey among Ukrainian refugees after two years of war. The survey covers various aspects, including the main priorities when choosing a country of departure, living conditions, the attitude of residents and state institutions’ employees towards Ukrainian refugees, children’s education, problems of adaptation and integration, language proficiency (in English and the host country’s language – Polish, German, Italian), as well as the mental condition and well-being of both adults and children. It also explores the plans of Ukrainian refugees.
The essential elements of the research study include identifying the problems faced by Ukrainian refugees, assessing the level of their adaptation and integration, and evaluating the extent of assistance provided by the host countries (Poland, Germany, Italy, and Great Britain). In addition to assessing the current situation, the study also considers future perspectives – such as refugees’ plans to return to Ukraine, relocate to another country, or continue integrating and residing in the host country.
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