Three Seventeenth-Century Philosophical-Theological Treatises: Johann Völkel On True Religion (selection), Joachim Stegmann the Elder On the Judge and the Norma in Faith Disputes, Johann Gottlieb Möller Twelve Ethical Disputations…


Przemysław Gut
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of Philosophy, Department of the History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
Marcin Iwanicki
Department of the History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Joanna Usakiewicz
University of Bialystok


Socinianism, modern philosophy, Spinoza, religion, reason, free will


The present book contains Polish translations of works written by 17th-century thinkers, Johann Völkel, Joachim Stegman (the Elder), and Johann Gottlieb Möller. Völkel and Stegmann are eminent representatives of Polish Socinianism (known also as the Arians or the Polish Brethren), whereas the third author was a Lutheran who opposed both the anti-trinitarianism of the Socinians and Spinoza’s new philosophy.
The first two translations come from the extensive treatise De vera religione libri quinque (Five Books on True Religion), printed in Raków in 1630. This work is Völkel’s fullest and most comprehensive elucidation of the Socinian religious doctrine. In it, he also expounds the reasons behind the Socinian refutation of the cardinal dogmas of the Catholic and Protestant understanding of Christianity, such as (1) the doctrine of predestination, conceived as the inevitability of eternal salvation for the elect and eternal damnation for the non-elect, irrespective of any perceived merit but as willed by God; (2) the dogma of original sin, whereby, supposedly, after the Fall of Adam, humanity forfeited free will; (3) the dogma of divine grace, which is independent of human merit; (4) the dogma of redemption and justification, which implies that Jesus obtained God’s forgiveness through his suffering on the Cross; (5) the doctrine of the divine foreknowledge of mankind’s future decisions.
The third translation is an extensive work written by Joachim Stegmann the Elder, De iudice et norma controversiarum fidei (On the Judge and Norm in Faith Disputes), published in 1644 in Amsterdam. The text concerns the relationship between reason and faith, an immensely important issue for the Polish Brethren. Besides elucidating its intricacies, this work lists reasons why the Socinians denied the judging role of the authority of the Church and the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, explaining why they espoused the view that in matters of faith revelation and the natural principles of reason are the norm, human reason being the judge.
The fourth text is a translation of Möller’s Dodecas disputationum ethicarum… (Twelve Ethical Disputations…). It is interesting because, to begin with, it is the first study of Baruch Spinoza’s philosophy that we know to have been written on Polish soil. Secondly, it is a record of public debates that took place in the lecture hall of the Academic Gymnasium in Gdansk from August 1696 to February 1697. The first nine disputations are devoted to Spinoza’s doctrine, and the remaining three concern the ethical views of Johann Crell, a Socinian. This makes Möller’s piece worthy of analysis, not only because of the history of Polish Socinianism but also for the perspective it provides on the stance taken by the prominent professors of the Gymnasium toward the new philosophical and theological thought.
The translations are preceded by an extensive introduction written by Beata Gryzio, Przemysław Gut, Marcin Iwanicki and Joanna Usakiewicz, containing all the necessary information crucial to understanding how the treatises came to be, their essential content, their place in the doctrine, including the responses they elicited in Poland and beyond. We are convinced that this publication, in addition to introducing the theological and philosophical doctrine of Polish Socinians, will help to more clearly reveal and affirm a still underappreciated fact: that Polish intellectual circles—philosophical, political, and theological—were not only open to Western ideas but also engaged in critical reflection on them and maintained a dialogue with the West. In this way, they contributed to and influenced the development of European intellectual culture.


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December 13, 2024