The Crisis of European Civilisation and Chistianity In the Thought of Juan Donoso Cortés


Jan Kłos
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


God, christianity, Juan Donoso Cortés, democracy, conservatism, politics, Europe, dictatiorship, revolution, socialism, freedom, society, decisionism, monarchy, liberalism, authority, parlimentarism, catholicism, political theology, solidarity, crisis, communism, community, obedience


Epochs succeed one another, but they are neither well-defined nor clear-cut blocks of different matter. Rather they resemble the constant flow of the ages that, like a colorful liquid, encounter and press against one another, mingle and result in ever new shades and hues. Therefore, a set of ideas advanced in one period is then reinforced and promoted throughout one age, but as time passes they become modified: some elements are absorbed, others abandoned. In the beginning of a century, we are witnessing the vigorous struggles of numerous trends. We are surrounded by a rich admixture of various ingredients. Then some of these trends have died, while others are enhanced and give forth new inspirations.
Historians of ideas have long observed that the nineteenth century was an especially interesting period to research. The times were a laboratory of dynamic political, social, and philosophical ideas. Suffice it to say that the rise of nation-states, revolutionary upheavals, movements for independence, and the appearance of scientific discoveries were indeed very disconcerting circumstances. In such an epoch lived the hero of this book, Juan Francisco Donoso Cortés (1809–1853), a Spanish conservative thinker, politician, writer, and diplomat. Like many of his contemporaries, Cortés initially embraced modern (progressive) ideas of his times ideas and was their ardent proponent. Scientific ideas of unlimited progress and political ideas of the liberation of peoples filled many minds. Napoleon’s victorious campaigns, which had followed the French Revolution, filled numerous nations still chafing under the yoke of the Ancien Régime with hope and expectation. Unfortunately, it soon turned out that the militant French emperor was driven by his personal ambitions rather than by the will to satisfy the thirst of sovereignty. No wonder then that as the hope in revolutionary fire was quenched, it was replaced by the Restoration of the monarchy in the first half of the nineteenth century.
Juan Donoso Cortés was simultaneously a theoretical commentator of the ideas in question and at the same time an active participant in their application. He moved away from the level of political activity towards that of ontological considerations. Rather than asking the simple questions as to who should rule, he addressed more fundamental dilemmas. It appeared to him more urgent to understand human nature, indeed to grasp its full meaning. No form of governance stands the chance of responding to social challenges if it fails to respect the integral human person; no such model is, therefore, adequate. Thus Cortés arrived at his main thesis: the Catholic vision of the human being is the most appropriate path to understanding human affairs.
The point of departure for all human ills is not inadequate social or economic relations, as Marx and socialists believed, but the Christian idea of Original Sin. We need to take it for granted, to assume it as a dogmatic truth, the Spanish thinker claimed, if we do not want to be led astray by illusive promises of socialist utopias. Once we have accepted this dogma, we need to proceed further. Sin does not call for deliberation because it is not an error in a chain of logical reasoning, but a fatal drawback in our natural endowment. Sin calls for redemption, and redemption must have the Redeemer. Thus, gradually, Cortés brings us home to his political theology. Theology, with its dogmatic elements, imbues his political thinking with the fulcrum by which to bring the dissipated world back to unity. Juan Donoso is against rationalism and revolutionary solutions because if they provide anything at all, it is misery and destruction. Their false anthropology, which says that it is enough to change social structures in order to restore social peace, brings about disastrous results.
In his political speeches and analyses, Cortés outlines a certain remedy for political problems. These solutions are interesting because they manifest his prophetic abilities. He is best in the way he sorts out antinomies, e.g. the option for dictatorship and the defence of freedom. And he finds the solution of this antinomy in the Catholic position, in an integral vision of liberty, i.e. not as a total autonomy of the individual, but as a mode by which the person can attain the truth. Freedom is for some purpose, it is the freedom of the rational being, the sinful being that cannot treat his life as a series of open options. This being must assume certain truths in faith and confidence, in obedience and reliance; indeed certain dogmas must unconditionally be assented to. Thus Cortés, following St. Augustine, comes out with his idea of fundamental gravity. The endpoint of this gravity is God and His commandments. Religion is a natural blockade of our inordinate appetites, a limit that is non-political and, therefore, creates a climate for self-restraint rather than oppression. Such was the ideal of other nineteenth-century political thinkers, e.g. Lord Acton, and their contemporary counterparts, e.g. Michael Novak. Ultimately, Juan Donoso Cortés found a pattern for ordered social communities that was absent in socialist utopian communes or communist proposals, but found in the Catholic Church with her clear dogmatic and hierarchical structure.

Author Biography

Jan Kłos, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Jan Kłos - works at the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin and the State School of Higher Education in Chełm, professor of the Humanities; philosopher and translator; his main areas of interest are ethics, social and political doctrines (especially in the nineteenth-century), philosophy of the American political system, problems of the mass media theories; moral problems in contemporary cultures; he is an author of papers and books, e.g. [John
Henry Newman and Philosophy], Lublin: TNKUL, 1999; [Certitude versus Uncertainty. A Sketch on John Henry Newman's Philosophy of Faith], Lublin: KUL Publishers, 2003; [Freedom-Individualism-Progress. Conservative Liberalism versus Modernity], Lublin: KUL Publishers, Lublin 2007; Faith, Freedom & Modernity. Christianity and Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century, Grand Rapids: Acton Institute, 2010; Freedom as an Uncertain Cause in Graham Greene’s Novels. A Philosophical and Literary Analysis, Lublin: KUL Publishers, 2012; [The Crisis of European Civilization versus Christianity in the Thought of Juan Donoso Cortés, Lublin: Academicon, 2017; he is also an author of a collection of short stories [A Concert in a Minor and Other Stories], Lublin: Norbertinum, 2003; he was awarded the 2006 Michael Novak Award.



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Kryzys cywilizacji europejskiej wobec chrześcijaństwa


December 8, 2017


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