Reason and Will. Kazimierz Twardowski and His Influence on the Shape of Polish


Jacek Jadacki (ed)
Uniwersytet Warszawski


Kazimierz Twardowski, The Lviv-Warsaw School, mathematical logic, logic, Polish culture, Polish philosophy, analytical philosophy, Communism, Marxism, humanities, science, philosophy of politics, patriotism, history of philosophy, history of Polish philosophy, rationalism, reason, will, organization of learning, nationalism, precision, intentionality, act, method, a model of practicing philosophy, ideology, activity, content, product, truth, communist ideologists, language, psychologism, semantics, influence, reism, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, clarity, Medicine Philosophy, deduction, logical symbolism, traditional, alegebraic logic, syllogistic, metaphilosophy, worldview, theory, nation, state, university, Stanisław Ossowski, Józef M. Bocheński, homeland, upbringing, pedagogics, teaching, Izydora Dąmbska, Platon, Sokrates, Władysław Tatarkiewicz


The enormous influence of Kazimierz Twardowski on the shape of 20th-century Polish culture is unquestionable. The volume Reason and Will specifies which spheres did this influence concern. Firstly, the volume reconstructs the image of Twardowski’s personality and work in the eyes of his contemporaries Poles, and also pictures how they assessed this work (Jacek Jadacki, Ryszard Kleszcz). Both the image and the assessment were confronted with the facts, and this confrontation showed that they correspond to reality (Kleszcz). There were also recollected the attempts by communist ideologists to disavow the “legend” of Twardowski and his school (Jadacki) after the Second World War. Secondly, it was shown that Twardowski fulfills the criteria of being an analytical philosopher, and the analytic methods applied by him were reconstructed (Anna Brożek). Thirdly, the results achieved by Twardowski, which were of the greatest importance for the history of philosophy, were compared and thoroughly described. Some of them influenced the views not only of Polish but also foreign thinkers; e.g. the approach to intentionality on Höfler and Husserl, the object theory on Meinong, the concept of absolute truth, via Łukasiewicz and Tarski, on formal logic and logical semantics (Jan Woleński). Other Twardowski’s results have so far played an inspiring role only «locally». These include: the postulate of separating philosophy and worldview (Dariusz Łukasiewicz), the reconstruction of the concepts of understanding and reasoning, including induction (Jadacki), the exposition the practical dimension of medical “cognition” (Aleksandra Horecka), formulating the principles of rational philosophical historiography (Jadacki), explication of the notions of homeland and patriotism as the key notions of the philosophy of politics (Ryszard Mordarski, Jadacki) and systematizing the rules of general didactics and the theory of education (Wojciech Rechlewicz). Fourthly and finally, some essential ideas of Twardowski and his students were subjected to a critical analysis, including: the idea of metaphysical neutrality of logic and the idea of clarity of the scientific language (Jadacki).


Rozum i wola. Kazimierz Twardowski i jego wpływ na kształt kultury polskiej XX wieku


October 7, 2021


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