War refugees from Ukraine – their lives in Poland and plans for the future
Ukrainians, war refugees, adaptation, integration, war trauma, on-line survey, PolandSynopsis
The war in Ukraine, started by the invasion of the Russian aggressor, has forced approximately 7 millions of Ukrainians to flee their country. This is the world’s worst migration crisis observed in the recent years. The vast majority of Ukrainians escaping from the war have come to Poland. In this regard, survey research aiming at determining the exact situation of the refugees was carried out. The aim of the research was to answer the questions regarding the refugees: Who are they in socio-demographic terms? How are they adapting to the Polish reality? What is their mental health and what are their plans for the future? In order to achieve these aims and arrive at the answers, the CAWI on-line survey method was used. The research sample was selected using purposive sampling. A total of 737 correctly filled out questionnaires were qualified for the study. The results of the research indicate that the refugees who arrived in Poland are mainly middle class consisting of well-educated women and their children who used to live in Ukrainian cities and evaluate their financial situation as good. They came to Poland due to the fact that they have had friends in Poland and that Poland seems to be similar to Ukraine in terms of language and culture. The refugees most often lodge in apartments, houses which they rent independently or houses for which the rent is paid by other people. 17% of the respondents have found shelter with Polish families. Not many refugees live in collective accommodation facilities. The refugees highly evaluate the aid received from Poles. The volunteers at border crossings as well as Polish uniformed services scored the highest. The majority of Ukrainians do not speak Polish, but they have either started learning it or intend to take up Polish lessons. One third of the respondents work remotely in Ukraine. Approximately 20% of the respondents have found jobs in Poland, and three quarters of the respondents would like to find a job in the future. The majority of the refugees have registered in the PESEL database. Almost half of the refugee children participate in on-line lessons in Ukrainian schools. Half of the refugees have sent their children to Polish schools. Three quarters of the respondents have experienced war trauma, which was measured with the use of the RHS-15 scale. Almost three quarters of the respondents display high levels of stress. A half of the surveyed refugees intend to return to their homes in Ukraine.
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