Hope from Melos. A contribution to the debate on the concept of elpis


Jacek Jaśtal
Kolegium Nauk Społecznych, Politechnika Krakowska


hope, Thucydides, The Melian Dialogue, moral decision, moral hope


At the turn of 416/15 BCE, Athens, still at the height of its power, completely destroyed Melos, a small polis in the Aegean Sea. In his account of the negotiations preceding the invasion, Thucydides (Peloponnesian War, V 84-116) repeatedly invokes the concept of hope (elpis). The citizens of Melos associate it with the wisdom of the Athenians, with the support of Sparta, with a lucky coincidence, with the principles of justice, and finally with the help of the gods. However, all these expectations fail. Thucydides seems to suggest that having hope is always irrational. In his opinion, this was confirmed not only by the fate of Melos, but also Athens itself, ultimately defeated by Sparta in the Peloponnesian War.

Hope from Melos. A contribution to the debate on the concept of elpis is a polemic with Thucydides. The author tries to understand the role of hope in extreme situations, its function in our lives and what distinguishes false hopes from justified ones. The book begins with an analysis of Hesiod's story about Elpis/Hope locked in Pandora's box. The author then traces the history of the concept of elpis in Greek mythology, literature and philosophy. Using the example of the fictional ruler of Melos, Agathon, he shows different depictions of hope and various functions it performs: cognitive, motivational, moral, as well as those relating to a sense of meaning in life and the need for happiness. The key to understanding the attitude of hope is found in the Sophists' concept of the justification of judgements, Plato's psychology of action, Aristotle's and the Stoics‘ concept of virtue. The author also refers to two different types of hope: fundamental hope, some aspects of which appear already in Heraclitus of Ephesus, and radical hope, described by the contemporary philosopher Jonathan Lear. Ultimately, the most important role of hope, in his opinion, is connected with the belief in the moral value of one‘s actions, even if they turn out to be wrong as a result of various circumstances (moral luck).

Author Biography

Jacek Jaśtal, Kolegium Nauk Społecznych, Politechnika Krakowska

Dr hab. in philosophy, his research interests include metaethics, history of ethics (especially ancient ethics), sociology of morality and contemporary social changes connected with the development of information technologies. His publications include Ethics and Character (2004), The Nature of Virtue. Problems of emotion in Neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics (2009), Ethics and time. Arethological variations (2015), Time and timelessness. Social constructions and personal experience (2018, with I. Butmanowicz-Dębicka).


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Okładka książki "Nadzieja z Melos"


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