School and the pandemic


Jacek Kurzępa, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski; Piotr Kułyk, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski; Jadwiga Gorączkowska, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski; Paweł Szudra, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski; Karol Leszczyński; Monika Przybysz, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


distance learning, pandemic, school, sociology of education, sociology of youth, COVID-19


We present to readers the next volume of the series "What has the pandemic done to us?", which is the fruit of many months of research effort focused on another collective actor of the theater of school life - teachers. We certainly remember how many controversies and different points of view there were regarding the entry of schools (as institutions) into distance learning. This publication is the third volume of research on children, youth, teachers, parents and the school system during the pandemic. The research was carried out in May-June 2021. So it was just over a year after the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic in Europe. It was also a period when students spent a significant amount of time in remote learning mode, with breaks at the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of 2021. In April, a massive vaccination campaign began, not only for the oldest people, but until the end of May almost all age groups of adult Polish citizens. Thus, the research was carried out in a period of a certain relief and enthusiasm related to the hope for the end of the epidemic.

         In this volume, we present the results of research on the school and all actors associated with it: students, teachers, headmasters, parents, curator, local government and government supervision.

In the first chapter, we attempt to diagnose the issues of management of school during the crisis. For this purpose, a desk research analysis was carried out, which included the study of a number of documents regulating the operation of educational institutions during the pandemic and literature on the subject in the field of crisis management, and interviews were conducted with school principals located in various parts of Poland. Knowing the previous research reports related to the functioning of schools during the pandemic, it should be noted that these studies are unique in nature, the research problems adopted and their substantive analysis brings a lot of knowledge in the so far undiscovered in the public debate issues of education management in a crisis situation.

The next chapter is devoted to the presentation of the results of quantitative research carried out among teachers, in which 2523 anonymous respondents took part. They were possible thanks to the support of education authorities. On their recommendation, the respondents received questionnaires from school principals.

The third chapter concerns the digital competences of teachers and interaction in the remote teaching process with students and parents while focusing on the e-didactic process, its advantages and disadvantages.

Chapter four describes the conclusions of the qualitative research among teachers, how they dealt with the situation, how teachers perceived themselves in this difficult period of work. In this chapter, we also try to create a typology of teacher attitudes during the pandemic.


Author Biographies

Jacek Kurzępa, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

A sociologist of youth, a social researcher, in recent years has conducted research projects on student self-governance, youth civic activity, or risky behaviour. As part of these explorations, items on the publishing market include: Jacek Kurzępa, Wiesław Gajewski, 2018, "Risky sexual behaviours of young people in the centre of prevention impacts", Rubikon, Kraków; Jacek Kurzępa and Team, 2019, "Diagnosis of the problem of using drugs and new psychoactive substances in the Łódzkie Province"; OW von Velke, Pułtusk-Milanówek; currently Manager of research projects: "Interdisciplinary and comparative diagnosis of secondary problems emerging in attitudes and behaviours of contemporary youth as a consequence of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic, in individual and community perspective" at the University of Zielona Góra; project: "Youth 4.0" carried out at WSH TWP Szczecin; and a project under the KBPN grant: "Threats of behavioural addiction among youth leaders, especially MRpJST".

Piotr Kułyk, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

Dr hab. inż. , prof. UZ; ekonomista, w pracy naukowej koncentruje się wokół zagadnień związanych z problematyką oddziaływania instytucji na procesy alokacji zasobów, w szczególności w obszarze gospodarki żywnościowej, rolą państwa w gospodarce oraz międzynarodowymi stosunkami gospodarczymi. Jest autorem lub współautorem ponad 150 prac naukowych, recenzentem w przewodach doktorskich, postępowaniach o nadanie stopnia dra habilitowanego, a także recenzentem w czasopismach krajowych i zagranicznych, „Journal of Cleaner Production”, oraz autorem lub współautorem licznych ekspertyz wykonywanych na zlecenie instytucji krajowych.

Jadwiga Gorączkowska, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

Doktor, ekonomistka i nauczycielka języka niemieckiego. W pracy naukowej koncentruje się na zagadnieniach związanych z wsparciem innowacyjności i przedsiębiorczości, budowaniem skutecznej polityki innowacyjnej oraz identyfikacji determinant aktywności innowacyjnej w układach regionalnych i narodowych. W swoim dorobku posiada blisko 50 recenzowanych publikacji naukowych, w tym monografię naukową. Należy do grona recenzentów czasopisma „Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy” oraz jest członkiem Stowarzyszenia Organizatorów Ośrodków Innowacji i Przedsiębiorczości w Polsce.

Paweł Szudra, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

Doktor, ekonomista. W pracy naukowej koncentruje się na zagadnieniach związanych z lokalizacją działalności gospodarczej oraz zarządzaniem strategicznym. W swoim dorobku posiada ponad 60 publikacji, w tym monografię naukową i redakcje naukowe monografii. Był współautorem 12 dokumentów o charakterze strategicznym: strategii rozwoju na poziomie regionu, organizacji i branży. Jest autorem lub współautorem licznych ekspertyz wykonywanych na zlecenie instytucji krajowych.

Karol Leszczyński

Sociologist, graduate of the Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw. Member of the Polish Sociological Association, the World Council for Research on Polonia and the European Sociological Association. His research interests are mainly focused on the sociology of youth, ethnicity and migration. PhD in Sociology defended in 2019 based on the thesis: "Diaspora and imagined homeland. The Polish Scouting Association in the UK 1945-2016'. Experienced educator, scouting instructor with the rank of scoutmaster. In the project team responsible for: creating research tools; carrying out quantitative research; quantitative analyses; partly for coordinating the work of the research team.

Monika Przybysz, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie

Specialist in public relations, crisis management, advertising and media marketing, media scholar and theologian. Awarded by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland for her doctorate in 2008. Graduated with a Gold Badge from postgraduate studies in public relations at the University of Warsaw. Head of the public relations section in the Polish Society for Social Communication. Co-organiser of annual workshops for religious and diocesan press officers since 2008. Winner of the public relations industry award "PRoton 2013". Since 2016 member of the Working Group on Ethics and Standards for Responsible Business in the Ministry of Investment and Development. Since 2018, member of the Working Group on Social Responsibility of Universities in the Ministry of Regional Development. From 2019, representative of the Republic of Poland in the Social Dimension working group in the work of the Bologna Follow-Up Group within the Bologna Process. Expert on crisis management in the international project "The impact of social media in emergencies - Capability Project". Expert in the project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Innovative Economy Programme 2007 - 2013, Priority VII Information Society - Building electronic administration "Grants for innovation" - "We invest in your future": "Platform for making online services and digital resources of medical records available to entrepreneurs". Since 2020 a member of the Committee on Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.


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Szkoła a pandemia


February 22, 2023


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)
